Fun and a Little Mayhem

51³Ô¹ÏÍøÊÓƵ Student Activities hosted a late-night game night in the campus library on October 5th. Students came in droves, showing up at 11 o’clock at night for group games like hide-and-seek, sardines, and a variation of super-spy espionage. Nichole Adams, Coordinator of Student Activities, led the event.

“I can tell this is just going to be straight mayhem,” Adams said.

The joke could not have been more spot-on as the massive group of students attempted to hide from the chosen seekers under desks, behind doors, and between shelves in the three levels of the library. During two rounds of hide-and-seek, the first with the lights on and the second with the lights off, hiders attempted to speed-walk—because we do not run in the library, folks—to the front desk “base” before seekers could tag them.

Following hide-and-seek, the group played sardines in the dark. Three students hid, and the rest sought to find them and hide as quietly as possible. The keyword here is “quietly”. In a group of college students this size, quiet just was not possible. Between the laughter, chattering, and many whisper-shouts of “Quiet!”, the hiding groups were not exactly difficult to find. Although the difficulty of the game was compromised, fun was still had by all.

The third, and final game was a type of super-spy espionage, where students were grouped in fours and sent to look for hidden “microchips”—AKA, bandanas tied into knots. Up and down the stairs, students swarmed the library floors in search of the “lost microchips” while “secret agents”, volunteers from Student Activities, stole them back.

As the title of the event and Adams suggested, the night was, indeed, mayhem. Over the course of an hour and a half, the students bonded and had crazy group fun while exploring the campus library.