A Very Gamer Christmas

                                                    Bold lettering with game controller and Christmas lights clipart

On December 5th, the Gamers Guild held a Christmas party in Gates Hall. This invite went out to the whole Plainview campus, all students were welcomed even if they were not members. The guild offered tabletop games, karaoke, and a potluck for the students to get some fun in before finals week. Bailey Hair, senior and treasurer of the Gamers Guild, dressed up as a Viking Santa for the get-together.

“Everyone was invited,” Hair said. “We were glad to see a few non-guild members show up for the movie and karaoke.”

Although the party took place in December, it was planned before the month of October. The gathering was originally going to be the traditional Guild-Halloween party, but several changes were made during the process.

“The cabinet all decided to do a Christmas party since our typical Halloween one had too many conflicts,” Hair said.

The plan came together for December and the Christmas party fell into place. All the guild members pitched in for the set-up.

“It took approximately an hour,” said Hair. “All attending guild members either helped in the set-up, the potluck, or both.”

The potluck featured over four types of cookies and multiple home-cooked meals. Fresh hot cocoa and apple cider were served as guests arrived.

“We kicked off with dinner and a movie,” Hair commented. “Then followed up with karaoke and games.”

The first movie played was The Nightmare Before Christmas by Tim Burton. When people got their food and warm drinks, everyone sat down and watched the film with the lights off. Laughs and funny comments were thrown around as the movie played.

As the credits rolled for the flick, everyone prepared for karaoke. Mics and speakers were set up for those brave enough to sing. Madison Casanova, a member of the Gamers Guild, sang five songs throughout the course of the night.

“My favorite part was the karaoke,” Casanova said. “Everyone was pumped about it!”

The second movie was never played because there were more karaoke participants than expected.

“We went from 6 PM to about 10:30 PM, so approximately four and a half hours,” said Hair.

With warm company and food, the Christmas party could potentially become a tradition in the Gamers Guild, and they hope to see more faces next year.


Images from Gamers Guild Flyer