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Tutorial Services
Prospective Tutors
- Without tutors, the Multidisciplinary Writing Center is unable to function; therefore, we hold the position of a tutor in the highest regard. There are many benefits to becoming a tutor. Tutoring provides a service to the WBU students, a service that raises morale and the overall academic achievement of WBU. Tutors also benefit themselves, improving communication skills, building resume credentials, increasing familiarity with academic writing conventions, and it's a paid position.
- With all of this in mind, there are some prerequisites to becoming a tutor. A student must have at least 30 college credit hours, a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.7, paper writing experience in his or her field of study, a faculty recommendation, patience, and a caring attitude toward others in order to be considered for the position. If you are interested in becoming a tutor for the Multidisciplinary Writing Center , come by the Multidisciplinary Writing Center to pick up an application, or print one out and bring it to us.
- Application for Tutor Employment