Home > Faculty & Staff > Policies & Procedures > Policy 1.3.2
Policy 1.3.2
Policy and Procedures Manual
Classification Number: 1.3.2
Revised: June 12, 2017
The University Strategic Planning Council is responsible for initiating activities required to address issues of strategic planning, budgeting, and institutional effectiveness. The primary responsibilities of the University Strategic Planning Council include the following:
- assist in guiding the strategic planning, budgeting, and evaluation efforts of the university;
- review and refine the university's mission and goals through maintenance of the university strategic plan and master facilities plan;
- recommend other relevant goals related to strategic planning, budgeting, and/or institutional effectiveness;
- assist in establishing measurement criteria to determine progress in meeting university goals; and
- review accomplishments related to strategic planning, budgeting, and institutional effectiveness goals
The membership of the University Strategic Planning Council is located in policy 1.2.2 attachment A.
Contact for Interpretation: President
This policy statement supersedes all previous policy statements on this subject.
- 06/12/2017 - Review, position titles - Attachment A
- 08/01/2013 - Review-no changes
- 08/01/2010 - Committee membership referred to policy 1.2.2 attachment A
- 11/11/2008 - Position titles
- 03/22/2007 - Review, position titles; membership
- 09/01/2004 - Position Titles
- 07/23/2004 - Position titles
- 01/16/2001 - Reissued as policy 1.3.2; position titles and membership
- 10/22/1996 - Review, position titles
- 08/08/1995 - Inception of policy