Home > Faculty & Staff > Policies & Procedures > Policy 2.1.5
Policy 2.1.5
Policy 2.1.5
Policy and Procedures Manual
Classification Number: 2.1.5
Reviewed: August 14, 2017
GENERAL - A request to establish a new non-faculty position is initiated by submitting a completed Personnel Requisition Form (attachment A) accompanied by a job description, to the responsible Cabinet administrator through the appropriate budget director. Employees are encouraged to work with the Office of Human Resources to create appropriate job descriptions. The Personnel Requisition Form (PRF) must be approved by the Cabinet administrator, president and chief financial officer. Upon final approval of the PRF, authorization for the new position will be forwarded to the Office of Human Resources and to the requesting administrator. The Office of Human Resources will assign a proposed position identification number (PIN). All approvals are subject to available budget funds.
Upon employment, a copy of the original PRF shall be submitted to the Office of Human Resources indicating the person employed, employee ID, (i.e., JONE1234) and first day of employment.
Contact for Interpretation: Chief Financial Officer
This policy statement supersedes all previous policy statements on this subject.
- 08/14/2017 - Reviewed
- 10/08/2014 - Revised-rewording of first paragraph, updated attachment A
- 01/13/2014 - Reviewed - revised-updated titles, updated language, and updated attachment A
- 11/18/2008 - Title change
- 03/22/2007 - Reviewed/name change on attachment
- 09/01/2006 - Reviewed
- 10/01/2004 - Reviewed/attachment added
- 07/01/2004 - Reissued 2.1.5
- 10/05/1995 - Reviewed/Reissued
- 02/17/1992 - Inception of policy
Printable Policy 2.1.5
Printable Attachment A