Home > Faculty & Staff > Policies & Procedures > Policy 2.9.4
Policy 2.9.4
Policy 2.9.4
Policy and Procedures Manual
Classification Number: 2.9.4
Revised: August 14, 2017
All non-contractual employment with the university is subject to the provision that the employee occupies a position necessary to fulfill the mission of the university, performs assigned duties in a competent and efficient manner, supports the mission of the university, and abides by university policies. All non-contractual employment is at the will of the university.
Termination of employment may be initiated by the employee, or by the university. In order to ensure accuracy of personnel records and proper settlement of benefits, employees should notify his/her immediate supervisor and the Office of Human Resources in writing, giving specific details of termination as far in advance as possible.
Upon notice of the termination, for any reason, of any non-contractual employee the following applies:
- A Termination Report Form (policy 2.9.1, attachment A) must be initiated by the immediate supervisor. A supply of forms is available in the Office of Human Resources and it is the responsibility of each school dean, director, vice president, or executive director/campus dean to insure that the departing employee is aware of and fulfills the requirements detailed in this report form.
- The Termination Report Form, Clearance Procedure #1 must be completed by the school dean, director, or vice president, or executive director/campus dean.
- The Termination Report Form is then presented to the Office of Human Resources for the Exit Interview. If necessary, the form may be submitted to the Office of Human Resources and the Exit Interview conducted by telephone. This provision is particularly relevant for employees at campuses other than the Plainview campus. The Termination Report Form should be faxed to the Plainview campus to expedite the process for employees at external campuses. If the telephone Exit Interview option is selected, the employee must sign Clearance Procedure #3 prior to the submission of the Form, and then contact the Director of Human Resources for the telephone interview. The employee's agreement with payroll arrangements and understanding of the policies will be verified by the Office of Human Resources at the conclusion of the telephone exit interview and noted by initialing the signature of the employee. Failure to complete the Exit Interview process, by telephone or in person, results in the forfeiture of benefit options for the employee.
- Wages will be paid through the last day worked.
- When employment ceases, a university employee is eligible to be paid for all vested vacation time accrued as of the last day worked. The employee may elect to be paid in a lump sum payment with final earnings, or, if it is mutually agreeable with both the employee and the university, the employee may elect to receive payment for accumulated vacation leave on regular paydays until accumulated vacation leave is utilized. An employee who elects to remain on the payroll will not accrue additional vacation leave or other benefits while receiving payment for accrued vacation leave. The payment option elected must be indicated on the Termination Report Form as a part of the Exit Interview process. Failure to elect an option will result in a lump sum payment.
- Deductions will be made from the last payment to satisfy all obligations to the university for benefits received, accounts owed, over payments previously made to the employee, or charges resulting from not returning keys, equipment or library materials.
- Final paychecks will not be issued until the Termination Report Form and all Clearance Procedures are completed.
Lack of or Delayed Termination Notice - If the submission of the Termination Report Form to the Office of Human Resources is delayed until after a payment has been made to an employee for time beyond the last day worked, the employee will be required to refund to the university an amount equal to the total of excess salary and the related benefits paid by the university on behalf of the employee. Such benefits include, but are not limited to, social security, Medicare, worker's compensation, SBC annuity, health insurance premiums, dental premiums, and disability premiums.
Contact for Interpretation: Chief Financial Officer
This policy statement supersedes all previous policy statements on this subject.
- 08/14/2017 - Revsion-title changes
- 12/18/2008 - Title changes
- 08/01/2004 - Layout changes
- 09/01/2003 - Reissued as 2.9.4
- 10/05/1995 - Inception policy
Printable Policy 2.9.4