Home > Faculty & Staff > Policies & Procedures > Policy 3.2.6
Policy 3.2.6
Policy 3.2.6
Policy and Procedures Manual
Classification Number: 3.2.6
Reviewed: August 14, 2017
As the audit trail for cash advances is more extensive than that for reimbursements and the university cash flow is impacted prior to purchase, university personnel are requested to utilize cash advances only in those instances where such advances are necessary or where credit cards are not acceptable methods of payment.
To request a cash advance for the purchase of an item for use on campus, a Requisition Form should be used. The Travel Request Form should be used if the cash advance is used in conjunction with an approved trip. At the conclusion of a trip, a copy of the Requisition and Travel Request Form with the receipts and excess cash must be submitted by the requestor.
Cash should be submitted to the cashier with instructions to credit the account originally charged for the advance. A receipt will be given to the requestor when the cash is returned. This receipt should be attached to the copy of the Requisition/Travel Request Form along with receipts verifying expenditures. The total of receipts/invoices must equal the total of the cash advance. Receipts in excess of the cash advance (representing out of pocket expenditures) will be reimbursed to the requestor provided the expenditure is approved. In the event that receipts plus cash returned is less than the cash advance, the shortage will be the responsibility of the requestor.
All cash advances must be substantiated by the submission of receipts or paid invoices within one week of the date the cash advance was issued. If a trip will extend beyond this time period, a notation should be made on the cash advance request form.
Contact for Interpretation: Chief Financial Officer
This policy statement supersedes all previous policy statement on this subject.
- 08/14/2017 - Reviewed
- 03/28/2007 - Reviewed
- 08/15/2004 - Revision
- 09/15/2001 - Reissue as 3.2.6
- 09/15/2001 - Review and Revision
- 02/23/1994 - Inception of policy 3.2.7