Home > Faculty & Staff > Policies & Procedures > Policy 4.1.1
Policy 4.1.1
Policy 4.1.1
Policy and Procedures Manual
Classification Number: 4.1.1
Revised: August 14, 2017
Authority to Obligate Funds - The president, vice presidents, and the chief financial officer, or his/her designee, are the officials/administrators of the university authorized to obligate funds for the purchase of supplies, equipment and services allocated in the university's budget. The university may not assume liability for the payment of obligations incurred by other employees or officials of the university, unless authorized in writing in advance by one of the above officials.
The Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees is authorized to approve all non-budgeted system expenditures for goods and services which are greater than $20,000 and less than $75,000. Before approving any such expenditure, the Executive Committee must be presented with at least three competitive bids. Decisions regarding expenditures for goods and services of less than $20,000 shall be made by the president.
Exceptions: In cases of an extreme emergency, the president, vice presidents, and the chief financial officer, may authorize appropriate expenditures. The chair of the Board of Trustees will be notified as soon as possible regarding the emergency situation/expenditures.
Purchasing Ethics - The only purpose for which the university may expend its funds is for the benefit of the university. Therefore, the university shall not expend funds for purchasing services or supplies for the personal use of any employee.
Purchasing Procedures
Requisitions - A Requisition Form must be submitted to the accounts payable office for all purchases of operating supplies, equipment, and services, including repairs to buildings and equipment. All requisitions must include complete information to enable accurate, efficient and timely processing. Available budget funds will be recorded on the requisition. If sufficient budget funds are available, the requisition will be forwarded to the appropriate university official/administrator for approval. After approval, the requisition will be returned to accounts payable for final authorization by the chief financial officer. Purchase order numbers must be provided to vendors by the purchaser to ensure timely and accurate billing and payment.
When a requisition is submitted and sufficient budget funds are not available, the requester will be notified.
In an emergency, a requisition may be "walked through" the above process to expedite the receipt of a purchase order number. Because a "walk through" process is burdensome for all individuals in the approval procedure, they should only be attempted in true emergencies. If the emergency occurs outside of office hours, a purchase may be made without a purchase order number; however, budget lines must not be overextended and care should be taken to ensure that the purchase is not subjected to sales tax.
Additionally, to insure conformity with strategic plans, requisitions for automated information systems, related equipment and services must be reviewed and approved by the director of information technology and Telecommunication Services, as well as the president and the chief financial officer.
Exceptions - Items purchased for resale in the University Store, and books/publications for the Learning Resources Center may be purchased by the directors of those areas without a formal requisition. Payment will be issued upon the submission of approved invoices.
Cancellation/Return of Purchase - Requests for cancellation, deletion, or modification of purchase orders, must be made to the accounts payable office. Increases in the amounts required beyond the available budget will result in the cancellation of the purchase order. If the amount of the increase is within available budget, but more than 10% of the original amount requested, it must be re-approved through normal processes. Discretionary action will be taken with small differences in purchase amounts.
Supplies or equipment to be returned to the vendor or contractor for adjustment or credit must be cleared through the accounts payable office. The receipt of unsatisfactory merchandise must be reported to accounts payable immediately, to prevent the issuance of payment until satisfactory merchandise is received.
Guidelines for Bid Process - The guidelines for the bid process are as follows:
- The university must obtain at least (3) three informal (telephone or verbal) bids on purchases in excess of $10,000 (attach bid sheets to the requisition).
- The university must obtain at least three formal (written) bids on purchases over $20,000 (attach bid sheets to the requisition).
- Exceptions to a formal bid process may be approved by the president. Exceptions should be limited to purchases when bids are not practical to accomplish the objectives of the university. As an example, for the purchase of a used vehicle, a bid process may not be useful.
Bid requests must include complete descriptions and all information pertinent to the cost of the item(s) or services, the date of the deadline for bid submissions, the date that the item(s) must be delivered or service be provided, the date that a bid will be selected and bidders notified, and the number of days beyond the selection date that bids must be effective. All factors relevant to a favorable bid selection should be indicated, i.e. price, quality, service, location and efficiency of vendor. All other factors being equal, the lowest priced bid will be selected.
Catalog, brand names or manufacturer's reference used in the bid invitation is descriptive, and not restrictive. If bidding on other than reference specifications, bids must show manufacturer, brand or trade name, lot number, etc. If other than the brand (s) specified is offered, illustrations and complete description should be made part of the bid. All items bid shall be new, in first class condition, including containers suitable for shipment and storage, unless otherwise indicated in bid invitations. Bids must give full firm name and address of vendor and must provide bids based upon all bid request descriptions. Bids should quote freight on board (FOB) destination or show exact cost of delivery. Bids must indicate unit price on quantity specified, the extended price and total. In cases of errors in extension, unit prices shall govern. Bids subject to unlimited price increases will not be considered.
The failure to manually sign the bid will disqualify it from consideration. The person signing the bid must show his/her title or authority to bind the firm in contract. The firm name should appear on each page of the bid. Bids cannot be altered or amended after opening time. Any alterations made before opening time must be initialed by the bidder or by his/her authorized agent. No bid can be withdrawn after opening time without the approval of the university based on a written acceptable reason.
The university reserves the right to accept or reject all or any part of any bid, waive minor technicalities, and award the bid to the company/individual who would best serve the interest of the university. The contractor must agree to protect the university from claims involving infringements of patents or copyrights. Verbal agreements to the contrary will not be recognized. No substitutions or cancellations will be permitted without the written approval of the university.
Where competition is possible, it shall be encouraged. All qualified bidders who are interested shall receive an equal opportunity to submit bids on a uniform basis. No bidder shall receive special consideration or be allowed to revise a bid after having received information about other bids. All members of the purchasing staff shall refrain from any and all relationships which might give any bidder an advantage, or in any manner obligate themselves to vendors seeking university business. Any and all promotional merchandise, such as bonus and premium merchandise obtained as a result of university purchases shall be given to the University Store for sale and benefit to the university, unless such merchandise can justifiably be used within the requesting department for university operations.
Travel forms - An Official Travel form, for anticipated expenditures related to an authorized trip for university events or business, must be submitted to the accounts payable office. The travel request portion of this form (including the Planned Method of Payment) must be completed and submitted for approval two weeks prior to the travel date. The pink copy of the travel report form must be completed within one week of the return trip and submitted to the accounts payable office. Original receipts for expenditures must be attached to this form.
Contact for Interpretation: Chief Financial Officer
This policy statement supersedes all previous policy statements on this subject.
- 08/14/2017 - Revision-title change
- 03/22/2007 - Reviewed
- 12/15/2006 - Revision-layout and language
- 09/01/2004 - Revision-titles and language
- 05/15/2004 - Revision-titles and language
- 10/05/1995 - Revision-titles
- 09/26/1995 - Revision-titles and language
- 03/04/1992 - Inception as policy 4.1.1