Home > Faculty & Staff > Policies & Procedures > Policy 5.1.4
Policy 5.1.4
Policy and Procedures Manual
Classification Number: 5.1.4
Revised: August 14, 2017
The executive director of property management at the Plainview campus, or the executive director/campus dean at each external campus, is responsible for ensuring that campus buildings, streets, parking lots, sidewalks, and service facilities are used only for authorized purposes and shall publish those regulations necessary for providing effective management of all campus facilities.
Employees using university property or having university property under their control shall take appropriate measures to insure its safekeeping. Any employee who through willful act, or through failure to exercise reasonable care, causes or permits buildings or other facilities to deteriorate, be damaged or destroyed, shall have appropriate action taken against them. This action could include liability for the loss or termination.
Building security is under the supervision of each campus's director of security. This is either the chief of policy the Plainview campus, or the executive director/campus dean, or his or her designated representative, at the external campuses. While security personnel are responsible for the security and protection of property, the responsibility for building security also rests with the building occupants. No building shall ever be open outside scheduled hours unless a paid supervisor is on duty.
Buildings, as well as their contents and other improvements, owned by the university shall be accounted for in an annual inventory, completed by the president or external campus executive director/campus dean, and reported to the president's office.
All leases for the use of university property shall be presented, with recommendations, to the President's Cabinet for their review and action.
Contact for Interpretation: Vice President of Enrollment Management
The policy statement supersedes all previous policy statements on this subject.
- 08/14/2017 - Revision-title changes
- 02/27/2009 - Revision-title change
- 06/06/2007 - Review
- 04/11/2007 - Revision-title change
- 04/11/2007 - Review
- 08/15/2004 - Revision-title change
- 09/01/2001 - Reissue as 5.1.4
- 09/01/2001 - Revision-title and language change
- 09/10/1994 - reissue as 5.1.2
- 09/10/1993 - Inception as policy 5.1.1