Policy 9.6.1

Policy and Procedures Manual

Classification Number: 9.6.1
Reviewed: August 14, 2017




Rationale - Essential to quality graduate study is careful selectivity in the admission of students. Selective entrance requirements are for the maintenance of the high standards, which characterize graduate study, and for the benefit of the student who needs to determine whether to undertake graduate work.

Responsibilities of the Student - Graduate degree requirements are governed by the catalog in effect at the time of a student's first enrollment in graduate courses or by any subsequent catalog, whichever the student chooses, within a period of seven consecutive years. The graduate student accepts full responsibility for knowing and fulfilling all the general and specific regulations and requirements for admission to graduate status and for completing the chosen program of study. For that reason, it is imperative that the incoming student be familiar with all graduate regulations contained in the catalog, thus enabling the student to complete requirements on schedule and in the manner required. The university and the Graduate Admissions Committee may refuse admission to any applicant whose admission or continued enrollment is deemed to be undesirable.

See Graduate Admissions Requirements in the current university catalog.

Appeal of Admission Decision - An applicant may appeal an admission decision to the Graduate Council. The appeal should be routed through the executive director/campus dean at external campuses or through the vice president of academic affairs at the Plainview campus.

Contact for Interpretation: Vice President of Academic Affairs

This policy statement supersedes all previous policy statements on this subject.

-   08/14/2017 - Title changes and area of responsibility
- 07/08/2014 - Review; minor edit
-   03/09/2009 - Revision-title change
-   03/22/2007 - Review
-   06/15/2005 - Revision-deletion of all but three headings: Rationale, Responsibilities, and Appeal
-   10/01/2004 - Revision-layout change
-   08/01/2003 - Revision-addition of "Master of Ed" section
-   01/18/2002 - Revision-restructure; Reissue as 9.6.1
-   11/15/1996 - Revision-restructure
-   06/01/1995 - Inception as policy 9.4.2


Printable Policy 9.6.1
