Policy 2.6.1

Policy 2.6.1

Policy and Procedures Manual

Classification Number: 2.6.1

Revised: August 14, 2017


Performance evaluations will be completed at least annually for all 51³Ô¹ÏÍøÊÓƵ Baptist University employees as specified below. The evaluation process is designed to provide multi-directional feedback to improve the performance of both individuals and units.

At a minimum, the performance of each classified employee of 51³Ô¹ÏÍøÊÓƵ Baptist University who has completed at least three months of service will be evaluated annually. Classified employees are non-faculty employees below the director level. The purposes of the evaluation process are to inform employees of the quality of their work; identify employee potential; identify areas needing improvement; and establish priorities for training, education, and recognition. Heads of departments and similar units may require more frequent and special evaluations as deemed necessary.

Faculty, librarians and school deans - For university faculty, librarians and school deans, evaluation data will be used to determine professional improvement activities, justify promotion in rank, and support merit salary adjustments. At a minimum, evaluations for faculty will include the same performance areas as those used for determining advancement in rank: teaching (instructional responsibilities), service (community and professional contributions), and research (intellectual contributions). See Faculty Self-Assessment and Performance Appraisal, (attachment A).

Student evaluations of faculty performances will be conducted during the fall and spring semesters at the Plainview campus and in all classes at the external campuses using the StudentStudent Evaluation of a Course form, (attachment H). In certain instances, a school may feel that specific needs or course characteristics require a faculty evaluation form other than the one provided by the university. Approval to use a substitute form may be granted by the vice president of academic affairs. In all instances, the results of student evaluations of faculty performances shall be analyzed and reported in a standard manner, as defined by the Office of Institutional Research and Effectiveness. Course evaluation summaries will become part of the faculty member's permanent personnel file.

For librarians, the director of libraries, with the participation of the professional librarians, will develop written criteria and procedures for evaluating professional librarians for the purpose of merit increases. At a minimum, criteria will include job performance; service to students, faculty, the library, the university, and the community; and scholarly and professional accomplishments. Although evaluations for librarians are required on an annual basis, additional evaluations may be conducted if the Director of Libraries determines that special assistance is needed.

School administrators - Annual evaluations will also be completed for school administrators (the vice president of academic affairs, vice president of institutional advancement, vice president of enrollment management, vice president of external campuses and chief financial officer) and component administrators (individuals with primary administrative responsibility for one of the major components which collectively form a school-executive directors/campus deans, directors, and academic school deans).

President - The president of the university will be evaluated by the school administrators and other individuals who report directly to the president. The Board of Trustees will also evaluate the president annually.

All evaluations of individuals and units will be treated confidentially. Supervisors and administrators will receive only summary data provided by the Office of Human Resources and will not see individual evaluation forms.

Actions required by classified employees:

  1. NLT March 15: Evaluate the immediate supervisor using the Supervisor Review, (attachment G) and forward the completed evaluation to the Office of Human Resources.
  2. NLT March 15: Evaluate the appropriate administrative unit (office, campus) using the Department Review for Staff, (attachment E) and forward the completed evaluation to the Office of Human Resources.

Actions required by faculty members:

  1. NLT March 15: Complete the Faculty Self-Evaluation Summary (attachment A) and forward it to the appropriate school chair or executive director/campus dean.
  2. NLT March 15: Complete the School Dean/Campus Executive Director/Campus Dean Evaluation Summary (attachment D) for the appropriate school chair and for the executive director/campus dean (if applicable) and forward the evaluations to the Office of Human Resources.
  3. NLT March 15: Complete the Department Review for Faculty, (attachment C) for the appropriate school or schools, if a faculty member teaching in more than one school, and forward the evaluation(s) to the Office of Human Resources.

Actions required by professional librarians:

  1. NLT March 15: Ensure assistance has been provided to the director of libraries in completing the evaluation file that lists and documents professional accomplishments during the calendar year.
  2. NLT March 15: Complete the Supervisor Review, (attachment G) on the Director of Libraries and forward it to the Office of Human Resources.
  3. NLT March 15: Complete the Department Review for Staff, (attachment E) and forward it to the Office of Human Resources.

Actions required by the director of libraries:

  1. NLT March 15: Assemble an evaluation file which lists and documents professional accomplishments during the calendar year.
  2. NLT March 15: Complete the LRC Self Assessment Performance Appraisal, (attachment I) for each professional librarian using the assembled evaluation file, the results of supervisor evaluations, and other appropriate data to assess performance of the professional librarians. Forwarded completed forms to the Office of Human Resources.
  3. NLT March 15: Conduct a conference with each librarian to review the performance evaluation and develop a plan for addressing areas that need improvement. Ensure both the supervisor and employee sign the performance evaluation form and give the employee a copy of the signed Library Evaluation Form.

Actions required by school deans and executive directors/campus deans:

  1. NLT April 1: Evaluate each faculty member using the Faculty Self-Assessment Performance Appraisal, (attachment A).
  2. NLT April 15: Schedule and conduct a private conference with each faculty member to discuss your evaluation. The supervisor and employee should sign the Evaluation of Faculty Summary. Forward completed evaluations to the Office of Human Resources. Provide the employee a copy of the evaluation.
  3. NLT April 1: Evaluate the vice president of academic affairs using the Supervisor Review, (attachment G) and forward the completed evaluations to the Office of Human Resources. (Executive directors/campus deans will also evaluate the vice president of external campuses using the same tool and timeframe.)
  4. NLT April 1: Evaluate the Office of the President using the Review by Staff, (attachment E). (Executive directors/campus deans should also evaluate the Office of the Vice President of External Campuses using the same tool and timeframe.) Forward completed evaluations to the Office of Human Resources.

Actions required by supervisors of classified employees:

  1. NLT April 1: Evaluate each employee supervised using the Self-Assessment Performance Appraisal, (attachment B). In case of multiple supervisors, the evaluation will normally be completed by the supervisor who oversees the majority of the work using input from other individuals who supervise the employee. In some instances, a second-line or subsequent supervisor may require separate and independent evaluations by each supervisors. Employees will be notified in advance if more than one supervisor will be completing performance evaluations.
  2. NLT April 15: Schedule a private conference with each employee supervised to discuss the performance evaluation and to ensure the employee understands the duties, performance standards, strengths, and areas needing improvement. Both the supervisor and the employee should sign the performance rating form indicating the employee is aware of the ratings. Signature does not indicate agreement with the rating. Provide the employee a copy of the performance rating form.
  3. Ensure completed evaluation forms are shown to other employees only as required for the performance of specific and necessary duties involving the rating.
  4. NLT April 15: Forward completed evaluation forms to the Office of Human Resources.

Actions required by the vice president of external campuses:

  1. NLT May 30: Conduct a conference with each executive director/campus dean to discuss performance and areas for improvement using the summary of evaluations completed by the campus personnel and provided by the Office of Human Resources and other appropriate sources of input, including, but not limited to, data on enrollment, budget, campus activities, and professional activities.
  2. NLT May 30: Document the conference and improvement plans in a memo to be filed in the Office of the Vice President of External Campuses.

Actions required by school administrators and other individuals reporting directly to the president:

  1. NLT April 1: Evaluate the president using the Supervisor Review, (attachment G).
  2. NLT April 1: Forward completed evaluations to the Office of Human Resources.

Actions required by the Office of Human Resources:

  1. Establish and disseminate information about performance evaluation policies and procedures in concert with the institution's policies.
  2. Serve as the data collection point for evaluations as specified in this policy.
  3. Provide guidance, direction, and interpretation of the institution's performance evaluation policies and procedures.
  4. NLT May 15: Provide summaries of evaluations received to appropriate individuals and units.


There are three different types of probation to which university may be subject:

Introduction/Probationary Period - All employees new to the university of are subject to a 90 to 180 day introduction/probationary period evaluation. This period of time is part of the employee selection process and is time for both the newly hired employee and his/her supervisor to determine the employee's suitability to the job. The introduction/probationary period evaluation may be extended to a maximum of twelve months with a written request for the extension by the supervisor to the appropriate cabinet member.

An employee may be dismissed during the introduction/probationary period for any reason except prohibited discrimination; progressive discipline is not necessary. The serving of an introduction/ probationary period shall not prevent an employee from being promoted to a position of a higher classification.

Disciplinary Probationary Period - Any university employee who fails to satisfactorily perform the duties and responsibilities of his/her position or to comply with university policies, procedures, and regulations may be subject to disciplinary probation. Supervisors may place an employee on disciplinary probation for up to 30 to 90 days. Employees on disciplinary probation are not eligible for pay increases and may be dismissed for any reason except prohibited discrimination. See University Policy 2.6.2 Progressive Disciplinary Actions policy for more information.

Change of Status Probationary Period - Employees who move into new position within the university because of promotion, demotion, or lateral transfer are placed on a 90 to 180 day introduction/probationary period. During this time the supervisor evaluates how well the employee is learning and performing his/her new duties. An employee may be dismissed during this probationary period for any reason except prohibited discrimination

Contact for Interpretation: Chief Financial Officer

This policy statement supersedes all previous policy statements on this subject.


-   08/14/2017 - Revision-title changes
- 06/08/2015 - Revision-addition of Introduction/Probation Period Evaluation section

-   04/22/2015 - Revised-Update of attachments and names of attachments with document

-   10/08/2013 - Reviewed-minor change

-   12/16/2008 - Title Changes

-   04/11/2007 - Reviewed

-   10/01/2004 - Reviewed

-   02/19/1997 - Reissued as policy 2.6.1

-   05/26/1993 - Inception as policy

Printable Policy 2.6.1
