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Policy 9.1.6
Policy and Procedures Manual
Classification Number: 9.1.6
Revised: August 14, 2017
Definition of a Special Course - In addition to regular courses offered on campus and at authorized external campus locations, 51³Ô¹ÏÍøÊÓƵ Baptist University offers various special courses. The following types of courses are considered special courses:
- courses that are not included in the approved course inventory
- courses taught in a shortened format
- courses taught during a time period that overlaps semesters or terms
- courses initiated as a result of a contractual arrangement with an outside agency
Application Requirements for a Special Course - Approval of a special course for college credit requires completion of a course syllabus (policy 9.4.1, attachment A). Information must be provided on the course content, faculty, location and time, grading criteria, course credit, and registration. The application must also provide information on any special financial considerations regarding tuition support or instructor reimbursement, and on any special admissions procedures or requirements.
The course syllabus should specify the content of the course and list the course's anticipated terminal competencies. The course syllabus must conform to the syllabus specifications of the respective school within which academic credit is to be given.
If the proposed instructor of the course is not a member of the current faculty of 51³Ô¹ÏÍøÊÓƵ Baptist University, the request must include the credentials of the instructor.
Prior to teaching the approved course, the faculty member must be oriented to the university by the school dean or the executive director/campus dean. Attendance will be required at the faculty orientation for the term the course is being taught.
If registration is not to be conducted during 51³Ô¹ÏÍøÊÓƵ's regular registration period, information shall be provided regarding the date, time, and location of the special registration.
Approval Processes for a Special Course - If a special course is intended for either pre-service or inservice teacher education, the course syllabus shall be submitted to the dean of the school of education. If the content of such a course is in an academic area, the dean of the school of education shall act only as university liaison and shall forward the request to the appropriate school for review and approval.
If a course is designed for any other audience, the request shall be submitted to the school that has responsibility for the content of the course. In addition to providing for school review, the dean of the responsible school shall submit the request to the university registrar, the director of admissions, the vice president of academic affairs, the director of financial aid, and the chief financial officer for review and approval. Once approved, it is sent to the Academic or Graduate Council for information purposes. If the request proposes special financial support, the president must approve such support and identify the source of funds in writing. Procedures regarding such funding must be coordinated by the respective school with the director of financial aid.
Applications shall be submitted to the appropriate schools at least 6 weeks prior to the registration period of the term in which the course is to be offered. Under special circumstances, late requests may be considered by the faculty of the respective school. However, if adequate time does not exist for evaluation of a proposed course, the university may not award academic credit for that course.
School Review - The school will verify that the proposed program of study meets the requirements for awarding college credit established by the university. If the course is a short course, the review will also verify that the course meets the following guidelines for short courses:
- A three credit-hour course shall consist of the same number of class contact hours as a course offered in the regular or summer session; normally forty-five contact hours for a three hour course.
- A three credit-hour course shall consist of not fewer than nine days of classes and shall be a minimum of three weeks in length.
- Students may not carry more courses at a time in a shortened format than will give them total credit of one semester credit hour per week of instruction.
School review, moreover, will verify that the credentials of the proposed faculty member meet the guidelines of the university's accrediting agency, The Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC). See policy 2.2.3, Justification for Faculty Credentials for further information.
The school, in addition, will determine and state those degree programs to which the course may apply. Finally, school review will determine the acceptability of the proposed grading criteria and grade symbols if these differ from the conventional A, B, C, D, F symbols.
Review by other Offices - The university registrar will determine the acceptability of the proposed registration date, time, and location of the course. This review will designate the semester of record for course grades. The director of financial aid and the chief financial officer will determine the procedure for dealing with any special financial support provided registrants. The director of admissions will determine the acceptability of the procedures proposed for student eligibility for admission to the university.
External campus students shall be subject to the same requirements regarding admission as those enrolled at the Plainview campus.
Subsequent Submissions - After a special course has gained approval and has been offered for credit, additional submissions to approve course content and grading criteria will not be required, unless substantive curricular or course content changes have occurred or problems have been noted which require remedies. However, the new course syllabus, with other relevant information, must be submitted each time a course is to be offered. The same deadlines will be observed for an initial offering.
Collaborative Faculty - In certain instances a university faculty member may serve on a collaborative faculty team with an adjunct faculty member offering the course. University faculty who consent to serve in the capacity of collaborative faculty shall be compensated for the responsibility. The rate of compensation shall be based on the time required for the course and shall be recommended in the request.
Collaborative faculty shall perform, at a minimum, the following functions:
- attend all class sessions
- assume final responsibility for assessing student performance and for establishing grading procedures
- complete the requisite training, prior to collaborating in a special course whenever a course is based on a specialized training package. The university shall underwrite the costs of training.
External Campus Courses Offered through External Agencies - 51³Ô¹ÏÍøÊÓƵ Baptist University may enter into contractual agreements with external agencies to provide external campus courses for academic credit. Such courses require a collaborative effort between the two parties.
The external agency proposing to offer an external campus course for academic credit must submit a request in a timely manner and with appropriate documentation, as outlined above. The academic school will verify the adequacy of the course content and the coverage of the relevant literature when it reviews the external agency's application. At that time the academic school will determine whether "credit/no credit" or letter grades will be awarded to students participating in the proposed course offerings.
To facilitate communication and program planning, a coordinating committee with representatives from both 51³Ô¹ÏÍøÊÓƵ Baptist University and the external agency shall be established. The committee shall make recommendations on matters of mutual concern associated with the offering of proposed courses. The committee shall meet at least once per semester to review all requested courses and, thereafter, when needed. If desired, the coordinating committee may conduct its work through subcommittees organized by disciplines.
Registration - If registration of a special course is to be counted in the current semester, the tallying and payment components of registration must be completed at least two working days prior to the census date. Any course registering after the census date will be reported during the next reporting term. Students who register after the census date in one semester and wish to take additional courses the following term must be handled on an "add" basis. Grades will be issued in accordance with the semester or session of record.
External campus course packets - The admissions office and the university registrar's office will provide the instructor or administrator of an external campus course with packets of admissions, fee payment (if required), and registration materials. The external campus is responsible for distributing, collecting, and transmitting the materials to the admissions office, en bloc.
Enrollment or financial data cannot be entered into the university's registration data system except during periods in which the university is in one of the following modes:
- early registration
- registration
- late registration
Enrollment forms that are received at other times will be held until the university is in one of these registration modes.
Changes of registration (add, drop, withdrawal, audit/credit requests) will be processed with the same forms and deadlines as on campus. To accommodate mailing time, the off-site instructor or administrator will certify the date of receipt of the document, and that date will be used as the date of record.
Contact for Interpretation: Vice President of Academic Affairs
This policy statement supersedes all previous policy statements on this subject.
- 08/14/2017 - Title changes
- 03/19/1992 - Inception as policy 9.1.4
- 11/27/1995 - Revision-title change
- 07/01/2004 - Reissue as 9.1.6
- 10/01/2004 - Revision-"Off Campus" changed to "External Campus"
- 04/11/2007 - Review
- 03/09/2009 - Revision-title change