New York City Spring Break 2018

Spring Break 2018 New York Team

Written by Lexi Summers

During Spring Break, I had the incredible opportunity to go on a mission trip to The Bronx, New York. A verse that God laid on my heart before we left was Psalm 37:5 "Commit your way to the Lord; trust in Him and He will act." During my time there, I was able to see this verse in action in both the short term and long term. Our team was encouraged by the pastor of the church that is being planted in the midst of this city, Jordan Sauceda, along with his family. They moved to New York over a year ago as an act of faith as they trusted God and His plan for their family and for this city. Though we were only there for a week, it was beautiful to see the fruits of their labor as they have shown the love of God to this community. I, along with my team, were even more encouraged to be able to come alongside them in showing love to this community for this short time. My desire now is to take what I have learned and experienced in New York to Texas and to those that I encounter daily. I would love for you to be in prayer with us that God would continue to move in powerful ways in The Bronx and that the people of this community would come to know the love of the Lord.
